2021 Biker Lives Matter

It is the first week of 2021 and I would like to let everyone know Biker Lives Matter is still here and looking forward to a productive year with your help.

During 2020 we did get a lot accomplished like doubling our membership, had meetings and correspondence with members of Motorcycle Rights Groups and individuals on pending concerns to motorcyclist. We also shared a lot of information on what was going on in different states around the country, with reports coming back in many cases that it was a success.

 I was also able to talk to many people in government positions about Motorcycle Safety and especially about increasing penalties for Right Of Way Violations. I will be following up more on this during the year.

 The Covid issue did limit some of the setting up of a booth at motorcycle events though we did some being careful. Hopefully we will be able to do that more often this year. We need be seen and heard to grow and be heard and we are having success with people wearing Biker Lives Matter clothing and displaying bumper stickers. It is a good way to get a conversation going with others and informing them of the issues we all face.

 It is our plan to continue and even improve this year and again we are requesting you let us know what is going on in your state so that we can share that information with others and help you get things done.

 It is not our plan to try to take anything away from state motorcycle rights organization but more to support them by letting others know what is going on. We do invite any and all motorcycle rights organizations to share information with us that they want to get out.

 We started Biker Lives Matter with time and donated money from a few people. No one involved gets paid but there are still expenses to keep it going and we were counting on the sale of clothing, bumper stickers and maybe a few select advertisers. The Covid Pandemic had us change some of what we were doing much like others around the country. The site will always be free to join and we do thank all that have. We realize that many having some financial issues we are only asking those of you who can to consider buying some merchandise or to even donate some money if you can. There are places on the site that you can do that at.

 Most Important Though Is That You Are A Member and Helping Us By Being Our Eyes and Ears Around The Country and I Truly Thank You For That.



